What to these three things have in common? They don't put you in labor. OK so, I'm not due for 8 more days if I listen to what my DR. said...(what does she know, right?)But if you go by counting 40 weeks from the first day of your last period, then I'm due tomorrow.
So, from my logic, I should be ready to start trying out all those old wives tales. And I have... all of them! Well, yeah. All of them.
Last Friday, I got a foot massage from a reflexologist, and lo and behold 2 hours later I went into what convinced me was labor for 12 hours. Lo and behold again... my contractions stopped and I'm still pregnant 3 days later.
Yesterday I tried eating pineapples. I read that it stimulates prostaglandin: the hormone that ripens your cervix. I ate enough of the stuff to burn a hole in the sun.
Still pregnant.
Walking... I walked on Saturday morning, while I was still having contractions from the foot massage the night before, and I'm pretty sure that that is what stopped them. I walked for over an hour. Not one real contraction since.
ufhhhhhhhh. Do i really have to wait for the baby to do what he wants? Aren't I the parent? I always did what my mom told me to do. Why not this little boy. Come out, I say. OUT.
I might try the foot massage thing again tomorrow as that is my REAL due date, right? Or maybe acupuncture. I don't have time for another pretend labor.