Could I ever stick to ONE subject for a year like Julie did with her blog through the cookbook?
Could I ever stick to ONE subject long enough to get a whole book published like Julia did?
Themes that I've been toying around with for the last 5 years:
self discovery
Bible devotionals
Maybe if I could narrow down a topic and focus on it... I could do something important. Something inspirational. God forbid I ever say what Amy Adam's character said ... something like... "maybe if I get published we won't have to live above a pizzeria forever" That would be a horrible thing to say. I would never say that. I live on the ground floor.
What if I started a pyramid scheme.... I know someone who just did... I could get in on the ground floor with them?
God... I beg you for contentment and a focus on you. I ask you to give me a quiet spirit, and an ability to clothe myself in righteousness
Time to change Little Man's diaper before it makes my neighbours pass out.